
The aim of treatment is to supply enough iron to replenish the iron stores and normalize hemoglobin concentrations in anemic patients.1 This can be done by improving diet to ensure better iron intake or through oral/IV iron therapy. The underlying cause of the iron deficiency should also be considered as this may require separate intervention. It is possible to cure iron deficiency anemia after one iron treatment, but in scenarios where the underlying cause is not easily correctable, patients often require repeated iron treatment.

Treatment for IDA has been shown to improve quality of life and physical condition as well as alleviate many of the associated symptoms such as fatigue and cognitive deficits. 1,2

1. Jimenez K, et al. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2015. 11(4): 241–250
2. Strauss WE, et al. Patient Relat Outcome Meas. 2018;9:285-298


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